Jun 22Liked by Jonathan Samuelson

Weightless - lately it has been swimming , but i must be on a floating devise, otherwise i sink when i start to think! :/ Still want to form some more good habits and I like your concept on it :)

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what!.. no sinking here.

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Jun 20Liked by Jonathan Samuelson

I’ve recently adopted breathwork as a morning routine and really love the challenge of seeing how long I can hold my breath.

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Nice. You do it every day?

I started messing around with breathwork to relax in the cold plunge.

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"Leave it out on the road." - profound words Mr. Samuelson.

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Thank you!

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Jun 19Liked by Jonathan Samuelson

Habit stacking! Always dishes and cooking. Already in the kitchen and kids are playing! After that it’s dinner, chaos, bath and messy kitchen

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I know that evening routine all too well!

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